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Lord Of My Heart 我心之主

國外詩歌 / JPCC Worship

Lord Of My Heart 我心之主 詞曲:JPCC Worship Lord of my heart//我心之主 祢了解我 You know my soul//我心之主 祢了解我 I want my life to make You smile//我一生要討祢喜悅 Find in me a heart//我敞開內心 That is open to Your laws//深願遵行祢的律法 Create in me a clean heart//為我造清潔的心 Renew a right spirit within me//使我有正直的靈 You are the ruler of my heart//祢掌管我心 And forever You will be//祢作王直到永遠 A brand new heart and spirit//使我心靈煥然一新 I now ask of You//是我對祢的懇求 Cause me to walk in Your truth//領我行在祢的真理中 And let You be my God my Master//尊祢為我主 我上帝 In You I am forever changed//在祢裡面 我脫胎換骨

影片上架日期: 2024年12月25日